Coffee & Words: Get Out Of Your Own Head

I've been going back in forth about this post and if I should even share it, but I felt the urge to post it as we dive into 2017.  After a few recent conversations I knew it was necessary.  

Do you find yourself overthinking, being offended or overwhelmed with life, more so than not. As women we are constantly caught up in what's next, how should it look, who should see it, is it the perfect shade, the perfect lighting, will it get the most likes. It has become what's the best thing for everyone to look in on.  Well that's just it!!  That perfect life and perfect thing that's in your head, is never perfect and it's okay. If life was perfect we wouldn't want to strive for better, and we wouldn't need God, right? 

With social media, and all the things around us that we think matter more then living and embracing life and living those precious moments as they come, is being wiped away by  the "A" word. That "A" word that is in control of so many women and robbing them of the Joy that comes with each day.  A is for Anxiety. Anxiety is a topic that is becoming more and more common among women and it's also one that is ignored by many, because to admit you have a problem is the hardest thing to face at times. 

Satan is stealing the joy of to many women and seriously I am so tired of it.  Making it up in your mind to face it head on and defeat this violent thing with the vengeance.(Karate chopping it right in the face!!)

God wants us to live a life of freedom and joy. Being free from all the devil tells us we are not and all that he tells us we should be. Free from cluttering our heads with JUNK. Free to be all that he has called us to be.. In order to have that freedom we have to learn to get out of our own heads and open ourselves up to positive thinking and renewed thoughts and inspiration that we are able to wake up with on a daily.  God gives us life in a whole new way each day and with that we can overcome anything. Through Christ I can do all things. Phil 4:13; Through Christ you can over come Anxiety and all the things that are causing you fear and to live in the dark. 

I pray that as you walk boldly in 2017, you can be reminded that you are FREE, because God brings freedom.  Let that replay in your head over and over again.. DARLING BE FREE!!! 


XOXO, Nycia


New Year, Bold Faith

As you close out another year, be reminded to have Faith (BIG faith). As you move into the New Year, stop looking back and focus on what lies ahead.  To move forward in faith is truly letting God have the wheel and allowing your path to be full of hope and believing that he has a great plan.

Walking in faith means you walk in the unseen, even though you are unsure of the outcome, remain faithful on the journey.  The journey is sometimes not what you expect, but you know when God is in control you can walk boldly, confident and peaceful. 

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1

She Inspires Fall Brunch

I was hoping to post images from our last brunch soon, but time got away for me with the Holidays. Our last brunch was one of my favorites for so many reasons; the location, the change and season and of course the ladies that joined me and opened themselves up to a morning of renewing and refresh.. God truly showed up on  November 19th and I still can't put it into words, The Grove venue in Round Rock made for the perfect morning. 

Thanks to all the ladies that attended and all of our fabulous speakers and sponsors. 

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Fall Around My Home


Hello Fall!

I love the fall season!!  For me when the season changes, it's like a fresh new start. Changing things up in my wardrobe, setting new goals, adding new colors, de-cluttering and  rearranging my home make for a new beginning.

One of my favorites this time of year is adding a little touch of fall around my home.. Not necessarily going over board with it, but just enough to bring the changing of the leaves and crisp air into my home with pumpkins, a little foliage off the trees, candles, even changing up the pillows, to just warming things up a little..  

Here's a few snippets of the simple ways I add a little fall to my home.. 

Adding a little color to your front porch is always a great way to bring the season to your home. Grabbing a few Mums from Home Depot and paring them them simple orange pumpkins and a nice wreath. So simple and doesn't break the back. 

Adding a little color to your front porch is always a great way to bring the season to your home. Grabbing a few Mums from Home Depot and paring them them simple orange pumpkins and a nice wreath. So simple and doesn't break the back. 

Tossing pumpkins all around your home is another easy way to bring in pops of color and add a festive touch.  I love getting my pumpkins from Trader Joes.. 

Tossing pumpkins all around your home is another easy way to bring in pops of color and add a festive touch.  I love getting my pumpkins from Trader Joes.. 

You can't go wrong with candles that have that crisp fall smell.. Th Harmony candles are some of my favorites and I love the name.. "Cozy Sweater"

You can't go wrong with candles that have that crisp fall smell.. Th Harmony candles are some of my favorites and I love the name.. "Cozy Sweater"

Also, Coffee on any fall morning, brings out the warm and cozy feel.. 

Also, Coffee on any fall morning, brings out the warm and cozy feel..